Eastern Cape small-scale farmers receive Nguni bulls to improve production |
How and when to dip, deworm and vaccinate your cattle |
Inside the Cornish Beefmasters stud |
Rising US dairy prices set to reverse declining producer profits |
Senepol bull sold for a record price of R165 000 |
Boran bull sold for record price of R8 million at Hurwitz Farming Auction |
Plan fodder flow for optimal cattle production |
EC farms quarantined, over 26 000 cattle vaccinated against FMD |
BXB cattle breed ideal for Southern African beef production |
Danish government to impose world’s first carbon tax on cattle |
South African Braunvieh set for global beef market success |
Zimbabwe’s Nkone cattle breed recovers from near extinction |
US announces plan to stop bird flu spread in dairy herds |
Success story of a Brangus stud on an Eastern Cape dairy farm |
‘Milking process’ suspected of spreading bird flu to cattle |
Which beef breed is best for you? |
Farmers celebrate protected status for Irish grass-fed beef |
The oldest SA Beef Shorthorn herd excels in the coldest place |
Study sheds light on global risk of heat stress to cattle |
Zimbabwe’s Tuli cattle make financial sense and are easy to farm |
Why nutrition is crucial for dairy cow fertility |
Emerging smallholder cattle farming from a One Health perspective |
Using sexed semen to get more value from cattle |
How an Irish family is changing the narrative around dairy farming |
Dexters survive for decades in national park |
Feeding guidelines for various stages of production - 29 October 2023 |
World-record price for SA Nguni bull - 25 October 2023 |
Impact of Two Grazing Strategies on Rangeland Basal Cover and Beef Production in the Sourish Mixed Bushveld |
Hugenoot SA’s beef cattle genetic treasure - 21 October 2023 |
Uphill road from small to commercial farming - 19 September 2023 |
Sourveld and rocks no obstacles to this Simbra producer - 1 September 2023 |
Steering the charge for growth in South Africa’s beef industry |
Analysis water intake of young Afrikaner and Nguni bulls - 15 August 2023 |
Beef Carcass Classification |
Weaner Break-even Point |
Samic Redmeat Classification |
Carcass % Breakdown |
How to Develop a Small Herd |
Cuts of Beef |
Positive outlook for livestock industry for 2023/2024 summer seaso |
Perseverance the key to stud-farming success - 3 July 2023 |
Boran cattle perfect fit for diversified farmer - 29 June 2023 |
The Afrikaner equipped to beat climate change - 8 June 2023 |
Why sexed semen is ideal for emerging cattle farmers - 1 June 2023 |
Mashona small in stature, big in value - 23 May 2023 |
Boosting dairy profitability it’s not all in the genes! - 14 May 2023 |
From communal to commercial a Bonsmara farmer’s success story - 3 May 2023 |
When to wean beef calves |
The impact of climate change on dairy cows - 13 April 2023 |
A top Afrisim stud built with award - 4 April 2023 |
What feedlots expect in the ideal weaner - 14 March 2023 |
Santa Gertrudis bulls tested for two decades - 27 February 2023 |
The challenges facing Namibia - 15 February 2023 |
Nguni x Brahman an exceptional, feedlot-friendly cross - 14 February 2023 |
Beef Shorthorn a breed made for crossbreeding! - 26 January 2023 |
Beefmaster ‘Perfectly bred for the beef producer’ - 11 January 2023 |
Why nutrition is crucial for dairy cow fertility - 9 Janaury 2023 |
Maximise dairy profits with beef semen - 2 January 2023 |
The fascinating history of the Drakensberger |
AMT Week 38 - 2021 |
Ankole Record Pricing |
Performace Testing |
Beef Cattle Digestion |
Beef Production |
Dairy Farming |
Dairy Farming Principles |
Feeding of Dairy Cows |
Dairy Terminology |
Rearing |
How to Select a Bull |
Differences Between Dairy Cows |
Feeding of Beef Cattle |
Africaner Cattle Society |
Ayrshire Cattle Society |
Beefmaster Cattle Society |
Brahman Cattle Society |
Braunvieh SA |
Hereford Cattle Society |
How to develop a Small Cattle Herd |